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All workplace health and wellbeing messaging needs to be inclusive. To assume that gender specific health issues are only of interest or relevance to that gender, denies others access to information that they can use to try to understand and support each other.
Society doesn’t always help men to speak up, whether the concerns are physical health, or mental wellbeing. Despite recent mental health campaigns like #lighton there is a still a stigma attached to admitting that help is needed.
The Office for National Statistics figures show that men within the 45 to 49 age bracket were at the highest risk from suicide. High levels have been consistent since the mid-1990s, however, with all the uncertainty in recent years, these numbers may rise still with the obvious concerns for men’s mental wellbeing increasing.
With this in mind, it’s imperative that employers are able to engage with this demographic in the workplace empowering them to seek help and support where needed.
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