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Designed for people who have done little or no running, the app provides guided commentary from a coach of your choice, a plan and a way to track your progress. and it really does work!
Just because you don't run doesn’t mean you can't. If you can walk for half an hour, chances are that you can pick up the pace and give jogging or running a try. The Couch To 5K app helps to get you up off the couch and reaching 5K in just 9 weeks with help and support along the way. Running at any speed will get your heart rate pumping, so running regularly will increase your fitness and you will feel so much more energised as a result.
Never could I ever run 5km is possibly a thought passing through your mind right now. You are not alone. However, just look at the app reviews and you’ll learn how many before you have transformed that thinking.
‘This app really does work. I was a doubter before, but I'm a runner now. Unbelievable really as I struggled to run for a few minutes in week one. Give it a go.’
The app was developed by a new runner who wanted to help his 50-something mum to get off the couch and start running, too. It provides you with a plan that will coach you step-by-step to run 5km in nine weeks. The plan involves three runs a week, with a day of rest in between, and a different schedule for each of the nine weeks.
Week one involves running for just a minute at a time. Before you know it, you’ll be lapping anyone left on the couch!
‘Trust me when I say that I’ve been where you are now. I’m not a natural runner, but I know how great it can feel to get a few kilometres under your belt.’
Feel the difference in your body and mind: you’ll notice how you’ll be less breathless when walking up the stairs or up a hill. After physical activity our minds feel fresh, restored and renewed. It’s like that time out to focus on walking/running gives our mind time to catch-up and file what’s been happening.
‘I've been overweight my whole life and have made numerous attempts to lose it; yet always revert to too little activity and too many extra calories. I download this app and it's been brilliant. today, I completed it - I can now run for 30 minutes, something that was unthinkable just two months ago. Thank you!’
‘This app gives me stitches… stitches of laughter! I’ve had to pause to catch my breath as the comedy-value coaching and encouragement has had me laughing out loud! Just what I needed to get me active.’
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