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Performing a fitness self-assessment will help you to discover your strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for growth. The NHS provide a free fitness self-assessment which can help you to discover your own fitness levels and where you need to improve. Adults aged 19 – 64 should aim to be active daily and should include both aerobic activities and strength exercises.
You should aim to be doing 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, which sounds like a lot but don't worry you don't have to do it all at once and can break it down into 10-minute slots. When we say 'moderate' we mean you should feel slightly warm and be breathing faster than normal but still able to talk and hold a conversation. Along with the aerobic activities you should also be trying to do strength exercises twice a week to help build muscle with focus around your legs, hips, back and arms.
If you feel like you could do with some support to help you along the way please feel free to get in touch with LiveWell Dorset or try our Habit Hacker to see if there are behaviours that are stopping you fulfilling your goals.
Register today to take your next step to LiveWell.
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