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You may be aware of some of the obvious health benefits of cutting down your alcohol consumption, but some may come as a surprise to you. Not only is cutting down good for your general health, how you feel and improving your appearance, drinking less will have a significant impact on other aspects of your life including your work and relationships with friends and family.
Here are just a few benefits of cutting down your alcohol intake:
Many of the health risks that are associated with drinking alcohol do not tend to appear until later life. Some of the more serious health problems such as cancer, liver and heart disease can all be significantly reduced if your alcohol intake is cut down. Although some of the improvements to your health won’t be visibly noticeable, you’ll be reassured in the long run that your long-term health will be so much better.
Although you may find drinking alcohol helps you get to sleep, it can actually interrupt the quality of your sleep and leaving you with even less energy the following day. Even just a few drinks can have a huge impact on your normal sleep process which directly impacts the quality of your sleep. Reducing your alcohol intake will help you have a more deep sleep which will help you feel more energised throughout the day.
Alcohol can be a contributing factor to the development of many different mental health problems and can also make any existing mental health issues worse. Many people choose to drink when they feel stressed or anxious in order to improve their mood, but in actual fact it can have the opposite effect. Cutting down your alcohol intake will keep your nervous system in good shape and will allow your body’s natural antidepressants to do their job properly.
Alcohol has a high calorie content, with a pint of average strength (4.5%) containing 210 calories. Drinking 5 pints will add over 1,000 calories to your intake and will also dehydrate your body, making your skin look dull. Cutting down how much you drink or swapping to low-calorie alternatives will help you maintain a healthy weight and appearance as your body will replenish its vitamins and minerals that it has previously been deprived of.
Over time, the benefits of sobering up can become more evident as you start to feel better and notice significant positive changes. If you or someone you know is trying to cut down their alcohol intake, contact us today for free guidance and support.
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