0800 840 1628 • Monday - Friday 9am - 6:30pm

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Keeping active in colder weather 

With the weather on the turn and the nights drawing in, it can feel like a bigger challenge to stay active. But don’t give up hope, all it takes is some adapting and planning to keep you active through the winter months.
Use some of the below tips to help:


  1. Use daylight hours

    If other commitments allow, try and do some active outdoors during the day. If you have work try a walking meeting or doing a short yoga video during your lunch. Getting sunlight is also good for mental health and boosting mood.

  2. Reduce your sedentary time during the day

    While going about your day to day activities make sure you are spending time on your feet and reducing the amount of time you are sat down in one go for.


  3. Try an online video or at home workout

    The internet is full of free online home workouts which can be done anywhere and at any time. If you’d prefer to stay indoors, try some of these to find something you enjoy. Couch to Fitness
    is a good place to start!

  4. Think about safety

    If you do venture outdoors make sure you can be seen by others. Wear some reflective clothing and carry a light source such as a headtorch.

  5. Make sure you’re wearing the right gear

    Just as important as being seen is being clothed in something warm and comfortable. Make sure that what you’re wearing will prepare you for the cold air. If the activity you’re doing makes you feel warmer consider wearing things you can take off and put on again easily.

  6. Think outside the box

    The winter could be the perfect time to try something new. You could try a racquet sport at your local leisure centre, venture to a swimming pool and even a climbing wall.

  7. Ensure you stay hydrated

    Although the cold means you may not sweat as much as you might during the warmer months, it is still important to keep yourself hydrated. If you’re out on a crisp morning walk you could take your morning hot drink in a flask to stay warm.

  8. Keep yourself accountable

    To make sure you stick to keeping active over winter, buddy up with a friend, family member or colleague. If you prefer to go solo, write down how you are going to be active at the start of each week.


Looking for more fitness inspiration?

Sign up for support to get more active - we'll help you discover a fitter, healthier you. Just click to register.




How does this work?

The tailored approach LiveWell Dorset uses to come up with solutions to the things that are stopping us achieving our goals, is based upon work done by University College London developing the COM-B model of behaviour change. In this model, all behaviour is influenced by understanding a person’s capability to change, their opportunity to change and their motivation to change. By understanding which of these is the biggest barrier to change, we can tailor support accordingly. This model of behaviour change is at the centre of the support we offer, online and in person.

Your Favourites?

or register, to favourite activities that you want to try.


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Do you provide your consent to share your information with the LiveWell Dorset team – part of Public Health Dorset ?

When you register with LiveWell Dorset, we ask you some questions about you and your health (how much you smoke, how active you are, how much you drink and how much you weigh). We store that information and use it to shape our service offer to you – such as the advice we give or the extra services we connect you to. The only people who will see this information will be those involved in the delivery of the service and management of the data. If you would like to use extra services (such as slimming clubs and pharmacies) we have to share this information with them. For us to be able to put you in touch with these services, we must have your consent to share that information with the service (we’ll ask for that later, when if you sign up for extra services).

Before we can sign you up any further, we need to know:

  • You're happy for your personal information to be shared with LiveWell Dorset.
  • You understand what information may be shared and why, and that at times, our contact to you may be supported by technology partners, who have the same data protection standards and safeguards as we do
  • You acknowledge that you can withdraw your consent at any time by informing LiveWell Dorset.
  • You understand that if you do not give consent or withdraw consent then it could be difficult for us to connect you some of the services we offer.

If you require any more information to help you make your choice then please contact the LiveWell Dorset team on 0800 840 1628. All telephone conversations at LiveWell Dorset are recorded for quality and training purposes, and stored whilst you are registered as active within the service.

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