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Here are LiveWell, we’re passionate about helping you to get and stay healthy. This includes looking after your heart by lowering your blood pressure - an essential part of healthy living.
Did you know that half of all strokes and heart attacks are the result of high blood pressure? Or that 1-in-3 adults in the UK have high blood pressure without realising it? High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, the first sign of it could be a heart attack or stroke. It can also cause kidney disease, dementia and other illnesses. Lowering your blood pressure with medication and/or lifestyle changes can help lower your heart age and improve your chances of leading a long and healthy life.
How healthy is your heart? When did you last have your blood pressure taken – do you know your numbers? An ideal blood pressure is 120/80, but it is estimated that 6 million people in the UK have high blood pressure without realising it.
Blood pressure isn’t usually something that you feel or notice. High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, that’s why it’s called the silent killer. The only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have a blood pressure check.
All adults should have their blood pressure checked. Blood pressure becomes more common with age, so if you’re over 40 you should have a blood pressure check at least every five years. It’s a good idea to have a blood pressure check if you are younger as well, especially if you are carrying extra weight or have other health problems.
You can have your blood pressure checked at your GP surgery, in some pharmacies, in some work places or as part of an NHS Health Check. It’s quick, easy, free and painless. You can also measure your blood pressure at home using a home monitor.
NHS UK has created a free 10-minute heart age test which gives you an idea of how healthy your heart is. People aged 30-95, who do not have a health condition which affects their heart or blood vessels can take the test. This involves answering questions on your health, including weight, height, blood pressure and cholesterol, and then a calculator will compare your real age against your heart age. Find out your heart age.
Taking the NHS UK heart age test is a great way of finding out how you can improve your heart health by making simple lifestyle changes. Almost 2 million Heart Age Tests have been completed across England. Here in the South West, completed tests show that 77% of people have a heart age higher than their actual age, putting them at risk. We can help you to lower your heart age. Get in touch with us today to discuss what support we can offer you.
What causes high blood pressure and a higher heart age?
Lifestyle choices plays an essential role; having excess weight, unhealthy eating, not being active, drinking too much alcohol and smoking can all raise your blood pressure and increase your hearts age. But with the right support and lifestyle changes you can easily reduce these risks. LiveWell Dorset has helped many people improve their health and lower their blood pressure - people like Ivan - read his story.
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