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Have you ever taken a break from alcohol? The benefits of cutting back are many!
Many of us feel like we’re drinking too much too often, or just that we could do with some time off. It only takes three weeks to break a habit, so this could be your route to happier, healthier drinking in the long-term.
How's your relationship with alcohol? Find out now with our quiz:
Alcohol is linked with more than 60 health conditions, including liver disease, high blood pressure, depression and seven types of cancer. Cutting back on alcohol reduces your risk of developing these conditions.
Drink Free Days is for people who like a drink but want help to cut down on booze. Feel healthier, lose weight and save money with the Drink Free Days app. Simply nominate days to take off drinking and get practical, daily support to help you stick to it. Guidelines recommend we take at least 3 days off drinking a week. Do you drink more than a few and find it hard to take days off? Research shows people who dedicate days off can stick to their goals better than those who don’t. If you or someone you care about would like to cut down our Drink Free Days app can help.
Alcohol can help some people feel more relaxed and less anxious, but these feelings are short-lived... but these effects wear off fast. If you rely on alcohol to mask anxiety, you may find you become reliant on it to relax. A likely side effect is that the more you drink, the greater your tolerance for alcohol will be. This means that over time you would need to drink more alcohol to get the same feeling, and in the medium to longer-term this pattern of drinking can lead to alcohol dependence. Try and relax in other ways:
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