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Workforce productivity is under threat - the humble desk & chair are a lethal combination; lowering productivity, impacting our overall health and quality of life. Sounds dramatic doesn't it? But it's true!
With so much time dedicated to just sitting still, it's no wonder our workforces are feeling sluggish.
Making positive commitments to improve your health isn't always easy, so why not make it as simple as a pledge to yourself "I'll move at least ONCE every hour". If you haven't got a smart watch, don't worry, there are lots of ways to make sure you’re reminded to #movemore.
Setting an hourly alarm on your phone, laptop or even using a kitchen timer is a great way to get you into the habit of moving from your seat. Stand up, stretch and if you can get your legs moving too - even better.
Don’t be daunted by this concept. Adopt some simple routines to get in the habit of moving more. Try this mini-movement work out for starters:
It sounds obvious, and that’s because it sort of is! If you have the option of a lift at work, don’t be tempted to use it! Get stair-climbing. If you work from home, and you have a bathroom facility downstairs, try avoiding it during office hours and instead opt for using the upstairs bathroom.
…or a lap around the car park, or your garden! Wherever there is the opportunity to get outside and take extra steps, do it. It’s takes far less time out of your day than you would think and adds so much more to your wellbeing. A simple 200-300 steps to clear your mind and move your body is a great quick fix.
Whether you are home working or in an office building. Map a longer route to get to the kettle, rather than simply going straight from A to B.
Starting with small changes can make a big difference. Taking notice of daily habits can help identify what we can adjust and begin taking better care of our health. There is plenty of support available too, register with LiveWell Dorset to start #YourMove today.
We're here for your health and wellbeing. Want to make a change? Register or contact us today to take your next step to LiveWell.
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