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This is simple method will help you deal with cravings for any unhealthy and/or addictive habit, such as smoking, drinking or eating junk food. Write down your answers to the three Ds, then read and review it each time you get a craving.
Delay the decision to give in to the craving for a set time – 5, 10, 30 or 60 minutes - The craving will pass! Write down the number of minutes you will delay for. Set a countdown timer on your phone to stick to your decision.
Do something that will occupy your thoughts and grab your attention. Perhaps do something physical to use up the energy of the craving. Make a note of the things you could do, and how long you will do them for.
After the set time, decide not to do whatever the craving wants you to do (the unhealthy or addictive habit you want to stop doing). Remind yourself of all the…
This simple method can be practiced every time you get the urge to do the unhealthy thing you’re trying to stop. Try completing the form and putting it somewhere you can’t help but see it, to remind yourself of your goals and put it into practice!
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