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How's your consumption? Cutting down or moderating your alcohol consumption is the only way to reduce the chances of developing any alcohol-related health issues. Here are a few tips to get you started.
Setting a realistic goal of how many drinks you want to cut down each week is a great way of monitoring your alcohol intake and tracking your progress each week. Writing down your goals can help remind you that you want to limit your drinking and you will be much more likely to stick to your target if you can visibly see it.
Another tip for cutting down your alcohol intake is to use drink spacers, where you drink a non-alcoholic drink between drinks containing alcohol. You could choose water, juice or any other low-calorie beverage to slow down your alcohol consumption. No matter how much you drink, it is always best to drink plenty of water along with your alcoholic drinks as alcohol can make you severely dehydrated.
Whether you are cutting down your alcohol intake, or quitting drinking for good, it is important to avoid the situations where you are more likely to drink. Many different places, things and even people can be triggers that give you the urge to have a drink. If you avoid these triggers, or turn the triggers you associate with drinking into alternative things, you are a lot less likely to drink alcohol at times you usually would.
You may find that eating food will reduce your cravings for alcohol, and although this is not true for all drinkers, it is always best to try eating something (with low calorie content) before reaching for a drink. Eating a meal at times you would usually drink may help you drink less and help you to feel less like you need a drink.
If drinking has become such a big part of your life, try substituting drinking with other activities that can be beneficial to your health. Take up a hobby, find a sport or exercise you love, make new friends and spend time with your family. Finding something that you enjoy will occupy the time that you would usually be drinking, and you’ll feel so much better as a result.
When you find yourself cutting down the amount you drink, you’ll start to notice a whole range of health benefits of cutting down alcohol. Not only will you start to feel a lot better in yourself, but your body will start to recover from the damage that has been caused by excessive consumption. If you or someone you know is looking to cut down how much alcohol they drink, register or have a chat with our team today for friendly help and guidance on where to start.
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