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Get into cycling
Active travel means making all or part of your daily journeys physically active, like cycling or walking. These can be short journeys such as a trip the supermarket, gym or into town, or your daily commute to work or to take the children to school. You can incorporate active travel into longer journeys too, by travelling part of it on foot or by bike.Our friends at Active Dorset look at some of the ways you can add cycling into your daily travel routine.
British Cycling is the national governing body for cycling and their website has lots of great advice for cycling from beginners to more advanced.
Tips for beginners
Guided rides:
Let's Ride - HSBC UK Guided Rides (letsride.co.uk)
Consider simple things you can do to support active travel to your place of work such as providing small lockers, coat hooks or a wardrobe-style cupboard. If you can, offer flexible working times to avoid peak hours and consider changes to your dress code if appropriate. Check your local area for free resources like bike checks and free cycle training and promote these to your team and consider offering a cycle to work scheme to support staff to hire/purchase a bicycle for active travel in return for a deduction from their earnings.
Simple overviews of cycle to work schemes -
The Cycle to Work scheme explained - Sustrans.org.uk
How can the Cycle to Work Scheme help you? | Cycling UK
Cycle to Work Scheme guidance for employers - www.gov.uk/government/publications/cycle-to-work-scheme-implementation-guidance
Taking part in Cycling UK’s Cycle Friendly Employer accreditation scheme is an excellent way for a business to demonstrate their commitment to cycling - www.cyclinguk.org/cycle-friendly-employer
This list was collated by the Transforming Cities Fund in 2022
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