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It takes 9 months to create a baby, and it takes a similar amount of time after the birth for your body to get back into a similar pre-pregnancy shape. So, don't worry if you feel like it's taking a long time to feel like yourself again. It takes time.
Eating well through a balanced diet will help you get your pre-baby body shape back. Basing your meals on starchy foods such as pasta, rice, potatoes will help to keep you feeling fuller for longer, and will help you stay clear of high fat and sugary snacks. Similarly, making sure you make time for breakfast will give you a boost for the morning meaning you'll be less likely to give in to the temptation of mid-morning snacks.
Although it's tempting, a calorie restricted diet isn't recommended, particularly if you're breastfeeding. You won't feel great whilst you're doing it and it'll be hard to sustain the weight loss once you come off the diet. Aiming for a weight loss of 1-2lbs per week is more achievable in both the short and long-term. You'll feel better for it, and you'll be much more likely to keep it going for longer.
Moving more, such as building walking into your daily routine will also help to keep your calorie expenditure up and exercise can also help with re-toning muscles that changed during your pregnancy. Try aiming for 30 minutes of activity on at least 5 days of the week (once you've had your 6-8 week check). If you want to start before that, and if your pregnancy and delivery were uncomplicated, you can start a mild exercise programme including walking, pelvic floor exercises and stretching almost immediately. But stay clear of resume high-impact activity soon after giving birth. If you're breastfeeding your milk won't be affected if you exercise.
We provide a range of support for women looking to lose weight. This includes 1:1 telephone coaching for women who are looking for bespoke advice tailored to them and their specific circumstances. For some, we can offer 12 weeks free support at local weight loss support groups (such as those delivered by Slimming World or Weight Watchers). To find out if you're eligible for these vouchers, please register online, or contact us.
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