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We don’t often follow through on our goals because we don’t make them public. Think of those new year's resolutions that you set and forget before January’s out. When we make our resolutions public we are much more likely to achieve them. This is one of the reasons that weight-loss groups are so successful; one study showed that people who complete a program with friends are much more likely to achieve their target weight. Or my wife has an arrangement to go for a run once a week with a friend; the idea of letting her down were she to bail overpowers any lack of motivation to get her trainers on. And it works vice-versa!
Introducing Our LiveWell: a fun and light-hearted online community where we'll encourage and empower one another. It’s a space for naming and committing to our healthy-living goals. It’s a forum for sharing our successes and cheering one another on. It’s a place to receive accountability and support when the going gets tough. We're in it together!
For me, I find it hard to fit in exercise around a busy work and family life. Yet I know that when I do get out for a run or bike ride, my I really benefit from it. Further to this, I'm conscious that in this summer heat I've been a bit too tempted to opt for that mid-week refreshing beer. So, here's me publicly committing to my goal: To get out for a run or bike ride at least once a week. And to only drink alcohol on Friday and Saturday evenings.
This is your invitation to join Our LiveWell. Come and join a community on a journey to LiveWell in Dorset, together. It’s relevant to us all! Joining Our LiveWell comes with a commitment to the LiveWell Dorset Pledge.
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