How to beat Blue Monday by being active

If you’re feeling low and unmotivated around this time of year, you’re not the only one. As Blue Monday approaches, we may find ourselves in a slump as we struggle to continue the momentum of the new year and maintain a positive mindset. In this article, we offer you some Blue Monday motivation and ideas to keep you feeling happy by being active.  

What is Blue Monday?  

You may have heard of the January Blues, but did you know there’s one day that has a reputation for being the most depressing day of the year? That’s ‘Blue Monday’, and it falls on the third Monday of January every year. While there may not be an exact science behind this theory, feeling down around this year is a common occurrence for many of us.  

Blue Monday is a time when the weather isn’t great, you might be slipping up on your New Year’s resolutions and you’ve got a dent in your finances from the recent Christmas haul. You’re not alone in feeling a bit worse for wear at this time of year, but there are many ways to support your mental health to give you a renewed boost of energy, such as keeping active.  

How does exercise help with your mental health?  

Exercising and moving your body are great ways to improve your mental health and beat Blue Monday. When you exercise, your brain releases dopamine which is a chemical that makes you feel rewarded and happy, giving you an instant boost to your mood. A good workout session can also reduce stress and help you get better sleep leading to improved cognitive function and focus for the day ahead.  

Active ideas to beat Blue Monday 

Staying active and exercising can help you overcome the lows of Blue Monday and the remaining winter season. Here are some ideas to make you happier by moving more: 

1. Take a walk while there’s still daylight  

Days are shorter around this time of year, which can negatively impact your mental health while many struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder. While there is still daylight outside, use those hours to go on a walk or jog and spend some time in nature to boost your mood. Invite friends or family and make it a fun event to spend time with your loved ones who might just be feeling the effects of Blue Monday as well.  

2. Participate in a group exercise class 

Group exercise classes are a great way to introduce yourself to new fitness activities as well as meet new people and be social. Use our Activity Finder to locate classes and groups near you and take the plunge to feel rejuvenated and energised. You might find yourself feeling motivated to keep going on a regular basis! 

3. Listen to upbeat music and have a dance  

Put on your favourite happy tunes and have a dance around! Music can help elevate your mood and reduce stress while the dancing is a great form of cardiovascular workout which can help to increase your energy and improve sleep. When you’re finished with the dancing, you can also leave the music on to maintain your good mood.  

4. Set yourself a small, achievable fitness goal  

With many of us working on our New Year’s resolutions, you might feel like it’s too early to accomplish any goals. However, setting yourself a small and achievable fitness target such as doing 10 extra minutes of exercise for one session can help you feel successful and motivated. When choosing your small goal, try to make it attainable within a short period of time so you can complete it and even give yourself a small reward! 

5. Practice yoga to relax 

Taking some time to practice mindfulness and breathing techniques can help you feel calmer and more relaxed. Practicing yoga or having a good stretch not only improves flexibility and core muscles, but also reduces anxiety and depression to get you through Blue Monday.  

6. Remind yourself about your New Year’s fitness resolutions  

If you made New Year’s fitness resolutions for yourself and are feeling in a slump, remind yourself of the reasons why you chose to work towards your goals. Whether you want to lose weight, get fitter or live a healthier, happier life, keep in mind what you’re working towards and don’t lose sight of your reasons to keep yourself feeling motivated.  

7. Do a workout at home 

You might be finding it difficult to get moving and leave the house around this time of year. It’s cold and rainy outside, and there might be an influx of gym goers who recently signed up to work on their New Year’s resolutions. You don’t need to go outside to work out; you can do some light exercise at home or indoors to stay fit and feel better.  

Feeling down and struggling to stay active this time of year? 

LiveWell Dorset is here to help you stay motivated on your fitness journey to live a healthier, happier life. Our friendly team of coaches and advisors can make you a tailored plan support you in becoming more active and achieving your fitness goals. Register with us today! 

Further reading 


"In January 2019, I was five stone heavier. Now, with the weight loss, parkrun and netball, my anxiety has improved tenfold."

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How does this work?

The tailored approach LiveWell Dorset uses to come up with solutions to the things that are stopping us achieving our goals, is based upon work done by University College London developing the COM-B model of behaviour change. In this model, all behaviour is influenced by understanding a person’s capability to change, their opportunity to change and their motivation to change. By understanding which of these is the biggest barrier to change, we can tailor support accordingly. This model of behaviour change is at the centre of the support we offer, online and in person.

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or register, to favourite activities that you want to try.


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