Home exercises to lose weight

Motivating ourselves to lose weight is challenging, which is why we’re here to support you! There are so many benefits of weight loss, which is why we’re sharing some easy exercises that you can try from the comfort of your own home. 

These exercises target weight loss and are suitable for beginners, so don’t worry if you’re new to working out! 

Before you get started

Before you dive into any exercises, you will need:

  • Some comfy clothes - you won’t need anything fancy, some shorts and a comfortable T-shirt will do!
  • Water - as we sweat, we lose valuable nutrients and water which is why it’s important for you to keep a bottle of water by your side and stay hydrated. 
  • Trainers - wearing trainers will prevent you from slipping or hurting yourself by accident.
  • A jump rope (optional)
  • A positive mindset - this is perhaps the most important thing you need to bring to any workout session. When you believe you can do something, you can achieve great things! Remember, we’re here to offer you support if you need it!

It’s also important for you not to push yourself too hard - this can actually lead to injuries or de-motivation. Set yourself some SMART goals and limit the time you spend exercising - make sure that if you feel faint or exhausted you take some time to rest. 


It’s always a good idea to do some stretches before working out as it improves flexibility and reduces the risk of injury. Here’s some you can try:

Knee to chest stretch

  1. Laying on your back, extend both legs
  2. Hold your right knee up and pull it in towards your chest, keeping your left leg straight
  3. Hold this position for 1 minute (or up to two if you’re comfortable) and switch legs

Triceps stretch

You can choose to perform this stretch whilst standing or kneeling

  1. Bend your left elbow and try to touch the top middle of your back with your left hand
  2. Hold onto your left elbow with your right hand, gently pulling the elbow down
  3. Repeat the stretch using the other arm

Butterfly stretch

  1. Sit down on the ground with the bottom of your feet together and knees bent out to the sides. Ensure that your back is straight and you’re facing forwards 
  2. Holding your ankles, try to lower your body towards your feet and push your knees down towards the ground
  3. Do your best to hold this position for one minute (or up to two if you feel comfortable enough)

Standing quad stretches

  1. Standing, bend your right knee back and hold onto your ankle with your right hand
  2. Bending your knee back as far as you can, try to hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat on the left leg for another 30 seconds. 

You can also warm yourself up by marching on the spot - aiming to lift your knees up to hip height and swinging your arms back and forth in rhythm with your steps.

Calorie burning exercises at home

Now that you’ve stretched your body and warmed up, you’re ready for some calorie-burning exercises to get the blood pumping.

Star jumps

Star jumps are a great way to get your heart rate up and they’re easy to do! Try to complete two sets of 15-20 star jumps.

  1. Stand up straight with your arms by your side and bend your knees slightly
  2. Jump up, spreading your arms and legs out in the shape of a star
  3. Land with your hands by your side and your knees together


Doing high intensity exercises such as burpees will make you a calorie-burning machine as it is a full body workout.

Firstly, stand straight with your arms by your side and your feet shoulder-width apart

  1. Drop into the squat position, placing your hands on the floor
  2. Jump your feet back so that you’re in a plank position (or step back)
  3. Leap up into the air raising your arms above you
  4. Try to complete 20 burpees 

Jump rope 

For this exercise you will need a clear space and a jump rope if you have one (or, you can just use your imagination!) - if possible, jump rope in your garden to avoid accidentally damaging any valuables.  When you’re ready, simply jump rope for two minutes on the spot. After taking a break to catch your breath and drink some water, you can jump rope for another two minutes if you feel up to it. 


Getting fresh air is essential for our wellbeing, so if you can go out for a jog around your neighbourhood, you’ll feel much more refreshed - in fact, going for a jog is a great way to spend your lunchtimes and switch up your work routine.  

If you’re more comfortable jogging in your home, this is fine too - sometimes we just want to gradually build up our confidence before we begin exercising in public. Start off with a slow jog and increase the pace as you go.

Aside from these cardiovascular exercises, it’s also a good idea to do some strength training to build your muscles and tone your body, you could try:

Stomach crunches

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and spread your feet hip-width apart flat on the ground
  2. You can choose whether to have your hands resting on your thighs, chest or behind your head
  3. When you’re ready, slowly push yourself up towards your knees and stay in this position for a few seconds
  4. Lower your body back down gently
  5. Try to complete 10 stomach crunches

Bench dips

You’ll need to make sure you’re using a bench, chair or couch which is wide enough (at least shoulder length) and sturdy as you’ll be pushing your body weight against it. 

  1. Sit down on the bench/chair and hold onto the edge (both hands, one either side of your thighs), keeping your palms face down and fingers pointing to the ground
  2. Push your bum up and off the bench and slowly walk your feet out and extend your legs. Your arms should also be extended.
  3. Gradually lower your body by bending your elbows until your arms form a 90 degree angle (or as far as you are comfortable with - the more you practice bench dips, the more strength you’ll build over time)
  4. Push yourself back up to your starting position and try to perform a total of 12 bench dips 

Of course, weight loss can be achieved much quicker by eating healthily alongside exercising. Why not check out the Easy Meals app where you can discover healthy food options to help you on your journey to weight loss.

Want to lose weight? 

If you live in Dorset and you’re looking for support in trying to lose weight, we’re here to help! With our friendly team of health advisors and coaches offering guidance each step of the way, you can learn about simple exercises and diet changes which will help you to reach your weight goals. Simply register or have a chat with us today to find out more about the services we offer.

You may even be eligible for three-months of support from your local Slimming World or WW group. Find out more about our weight-loss voucher scheme here.



I drank too much alcohol and had unhealthy eating habits. Pastry is such a bad thing, it's all those pies, pasties and sausage rolls!

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How does this work?

The tailored approach LiveWell Dorset uses to come up with solutions to the things that are stopping us achieving our goals, is based upon work done by University College London developing the COM-B model of behaviour change. In this model, all behaviour is influenced by understanding a person’s capability to change, their opportunity to change and their motivation to change. By understanding which of these is the biggest barrier to change, we can tailor support accordingly. This model of behaviour change is at the centre of the support we offer, online and in person.

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Do you provide your consent to share your information with the LiveWell Dorset team – part of Public Health Dorset ?

When you register with LiveWell Dorset, we ask you some questions about you and your health (how much you smoke, how active you are, how much you drink and how much you weigh). We store that information and use it to shape our service offer to you – such as the advice we give or the extra services we connect you to. The only people who will see this information will be those involved in the delivery of the service and management of the data. If you would like to use extra services (such as slimming clubs and pharmacies) we have to share this information with them. For us to be able to put you in touch with these services, we must have your consent to share that information with the service (we’ll ask for that later, when if you sign up for extra services).

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  • You're happy for your personal information to be shared with LiveWell Dorset.
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  • You understand that if you do not give consent or withdraw consent then it could be difficult for us to connect you some of the services we offer.

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