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If you've decided that it's time to quit smoking, you might have a few questions you want to ask. Our 'stop smoking' FAQs are designed to help answer those questions, so that you can start your journey to a cigarette free lifestyle with the confidence you need. If you can't find the question or answer you are looking for here, then feel free to get in touch with our friendly team. They are here to help you stop smoking!
Posted Apr 29, 2024
By LiveWell Dorset
If you’re thinking about stopping smoking; one of the first questions you might have, understandably, will be 'how long does it take to quit?'.
Posted Apr 22, 2024
By LiveWell Dorset
There’s no getting round it – giving up smoking can be tough. Some people choose nicotine gum, patches or even try going cold turkey, but like with any addiction, quitting for good is not always straightforward.
Posted Apr 21, 2024
By LiveWell Dorset
Did you know you’re roughly twice as likely to quit smoking altogether if you use a nicotine vape rather than other nicotine replacement products, such as patches or gum? This is why LiveWell Dorset is proud to be part of the pioneering Swap to Stop campaign, encouraging smokers to ditch the cigarettes and switch to vaping instead.
Posted Oct 23, 2023
By LiveWell Dorset
Trying to give up cigarettes? Discover five of the best vitamins and minerals to take when quitting smoking.
Posted Feb 7, 2023
By LiveWell Dorset
There’s no doubt that quitting smoking is a tough journey, but it can undoubtedly be a rewarding one, with multiple benefits for your long term health.
Posted Sep 20, 2022
By LiveWell Dorset
If you are a former smoker, particularly one who smoked for many years, you’ll know just how hard it is to kick the habit.
Posted Aug 18, 2022
By LiveWell Dorset
We all know that smoking negatively impacts our health in different ways. Conditions such as cancer, lung disease, heart disease and strokes can all be directly linked to smoking.
Posted Jun 23, 2022
By LiveWell Dorset
Do you know someone who smokes and you’re worried about their health? You’re not the only one. Smoking can lead to a number of health issues, so you are absolutely right to be concerned about friends and family who smoke.
Posted May 16, 2022
By LiveWell Dorset
Quitting smoking will have huge benefits for your health, but the process of ditching cigarettes for good isn’t an easy task. Luckily, there is plenty of help out there to help you through these trying times, so that you can stay on track and lead a happy, smoke-free life.
Posted Mar 29, 2022
By LiveWell Dorset
If you’re considering quitting smoking, there may be one thing swirling around your mind, “Am I going to gain weight?”.
Posted Feb 7, 2022
By LiveWell Dorset
Looking to quit smoking but wondering where to start? Quitting smoking isn’t an easy ride for anyone, but by following our top 10 tips to quit, you’ll learn how to resist any cravings. Tobacco cravings can be incredibly strong and happen when your body misses its dose of nicotine. You may experience a sudden craving (there is often a trigger involved here, such as being in a pub or feeling stressed) or you might always feel the need to smoke weeks after quitting.
Posted Feb 7, 2022
By LiveWell Dorset
Vaping involves inhaling vaporised nicotine using a device known as an e-cigarette (also referred to as vapes or e-cigs). You may have noticed these devices becoming increasingly popular in recent years but are they really better than smoking?
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