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Meet Bournemouth-based Lynette. Lynette started smoking when she was 16-years-old, joining her mum Maureen who also smoked. They contacted us in 2017 for help to lose weight. We also talked to them about their smoking, and earlier this year they were inspired to kick the habit of a lifetime.
Lynette had quit before when she was pregnant but sparked up again afterwards - "the worst thing I ever did!" After 25 years of smoking, Lynette added up how much she'd spent on smoking and found that it was more than £40,000! This realisation spurred her on to quit once and for all.
"I've got to do this. We've got to do this. We've spent a house deposit on smoking." She said to her mum.
That Saturday evening, they smoked their last cigarettes. Sunday morning was the start of their stop-smoke journey. After talking to us the previous year, Lynette knew to contact us for help. We offered her a coach to talk them both through their steps to success. Lynette also received a ton of social support from Our LiveWell Facebook Group.
They switched cigarettes for vaping and used the NHS 'Smokefree' app which motivated them to persevere as it revealed their savings day-by-day. It challenged Lynette with a daily mission and rewarded her with badges such as '48 hours free' and '£70 saved'. She set herself the target of saving for a family holiday: each new smoke-free day was a step closer to that reward.
"It was touch and go at first - I got a bit grumpy when I was desperate for a cigarette. But then I reached the end of the week and I thought to myself, ‘I've done the first week!’ I found myself drinking more water and enjoyed all the free time I suddenly had".
"Sharing with friends is important. My kids and ask me how many days I've been smoke free, and the app tells us. My daughter drew me a heart and wrote on it 'I'm so proud of you - you can do it'."
Now she's not stepping out for a cigarette every hour, she's blown away with all the free time she's gained! She's filled her free time with a fun new hobby - Cross Stitch! And has been inspired to take online education courses.
Having conquered this bad habit, Lynette and Maureen have switched focus to their weight. They have joined WW, and Lynette is getting back to the gym.
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